Why the "$100" computer generates so much traffic every time it appears on
this list is very curious- more heat and light -perhaps something everyone
can image and thus everyone projects it into their world and thus has an

I think we need to first think about the "future"- that is the next and
next generation and what they want and/or have access to in the developed
world for example. Think txt msg, think ipods, smart cells and these mini,
hand-held, virtual games and MMRPG's. Think voip voice-to-text and
text-to-voice, think multimedia and the cell phone which is as powerful as
laptops only a few years ago.

The $100 computer is solving a problem of the past for those who were
raised and lived in the past- who are used to large screens and full
keyboards and who respond to this list on these systems

current learning systems such as the asynchronous conference systems, lcms,
such as WebCT and Blackboard are to learning and com systems of the future
what the "horseless carriage was to the "automobile"- a poor simulacrum of
what is emerging, commercially.

As someone said here, get these distributed and they will be obsolete
before they are turned on.

And, Alfred is right- hardware, alone, isn't the answer. But it is a simple
default for the unimaginative. And, for agencies, its something that can be
seen and felt so that the expenditures can be accounted for. 


tom abeles

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