Pamela McLean wrote:

> People in rural Nigeria need computers. The Solo may or may not be the
> ultimate ideal solution - I don't have the knowlege to judge it - but
> from the practical experience of people in and around Fantsuam it has
> proved itself to be uniquely suited to their needs and way out in
> front of anything else in many ways.

I think that this link may also be useful on the Solo: (the link sent told us how much regular
PCs suck in the developing world). It's really a good looking system and
one I wouldn't mind getting my hands on to look at further.

The specifications are really interesting:
It is running Linux, so the applications are there with an easy install
-, etc., I am fairly certain. However, the base system
can't run OpenOffice - 32 MB or RAM just isn't enough. I'd like to hear
how these systems are being used by people... Cost is also a question mark.

This is really a very cool project, Pamela, and one I am glad you
brought to the fore (like other projects people have mentioned in this
thread). I think perhaps I'll do some more digging into these things.
The solar aspects are something I am practically exploring at this time.
Something that fits with this is also this:

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: San Fernando, Trinidad

Coming on January 1st, 2006:

"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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