On 11/09/2013 01:56 AM, monarch_dodra wrote:

You make very good points. However, some technical words are begging to be translated otherwise they hide the actual concept behind them. One example is "integral". A Turkish person may guess that it is perhaps related to automobiles (Lancia Integrale, anyone). Other than that, the nature of "integral" will always be hidden until the topic is studied and digested.

Nowadays there is a made-up Turkish word instead, tümlev, which at least carries the meaning.

> For example, for "stack"/"heap", the French have "tas"/"pile".
> I'm French myself, and I can never remember which is which! Why couldn't
> they just keep "stack"/"heap"?

Those specific words are bigger problems in Turkish because the chosen words are way too close: "yığıt"/"yığın" and I think I got the order right. :p


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