My view would be that any change to the packet RADIO
system to utilize the internet was a step in the
direction of eliminating it altogether.  The value of
packet radio is the emphasis on the radio part.  Once
you say the system would be more useful if the end
result was email, then why utilize radios at all? 
Just email the person you want to contact.  But that's
just my personal opinion and it is obviously out of
step with the prevailing view.  I like CW too, so I
guess I'm just stuck in some previous time zone.  That
happens to us older guys...hi.

Have a good one today.

72/73  Mark  KQ0I
Des Moines, IA

--- KV9U <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It is too bad that packet could not have advanced
> with new technology to 
> make it work well on HF. In order for it to be able
> to work under many 
> conditions, it needed to have the agility to change
> baud rates/packet 
> sizes to match those conditions and it was really
> only designed for VHF 
> and for something very close to the MUF on HF.
> The other problem seemed to be that when the
> internet moved to e-mail 
> routing, the hierarchy system of packet was much
> less useful since it 
> could only go to a home bbs. If they could have
> extended the system to 
> work with e-mail too, you would have had a system
> that had some real value.
> As it stands now, there is no system out there that
> uses amateur radio 
> links to get to other hams since the shutting down
> of the old Winlink 
> system which only used amateur radio links and
> replacing it with the 
> mostly internet based Winlink 2000 system. So we
> have gone from one 
> extreme to another with no balanced approach that I
> think is needed so 
> we have access to the best of both worlds.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U

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