Why not encourage them to simply UPGRADE their license??  Instead handing 
out more freebies?

73 WB4M
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary" <grwes...@yahoo.com>
To: <digitalradio@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 12:55 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] Techs on HF digital

>I thought I'd run something up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes:
> With the currently extended low sunspot cycle reducing the occurrence of 
> 10 meter openings to near zero, there is little to offer new hams for 
> radio operating opportunities besides VHF FM.  Many of the people who 
> attend our Technician license classes are interested in doing much more 
> than chatting with the local guys on a local repeater.  Sure, VHF SSB is a 
> possibility but for us rural folks, even that provides slim pickings for 
> distant contacts.
> We are seeing a very low percentage of newly licensed people ever buying a 
> transceiver and getting on the air.  We are estimating that number to be 
> less than 10%.  Other clubs in our area are experiencing the same problem: 
> good turn out for classes and lots of licenses issued but few new hams 
> getting on the air.  It may be that VHF FM is not a viable stepping stone 
> to getting very many new folks active in Amateur Radio.
> Being an old fart, I naturally began as a novice operating CW on the HF 
> bands.  Finding other stations to make contact with was never a problem as 
> there was always activity on either 40 or 80 meters, depending upon the 
> time of day.  Making contact with other stations hundreds of miles away 
> was common.  While that same opportunity is available today, at least 
> theoretically, CW operation is not part of a new ham's skill set.
> So... Here is the idea.  Would you be amenable to allowing Technician 
> Class licensees to operate digital modes in the Technician CW bands and do 
> you think that would be of interest to new hams?
> I would imagine, the license limitations would have to state something 
> like a maximum of 300 baud and 500 Hz bandwidth with a 200 watt power 
> limit.  There may be other limitations that might be nice to toss into the 
> mix but this is a starting point for discussion.
> Your thoughts?
> Gary - N0GW
> ------------------------------------
> Suggested frequencies for calling CQ with experimental digital modes =
> 3584,10147, 14074 USB on your dial plus 1000Hz on waterfall.
> Announce your digital presence via our Interactive Sked Pages at
> http://www.obriensweb.com/sked
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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