Ok fellas, I hear the message.  No tech digital on the 80, 40, and 15 meter 
bands.  I'll drop the idea.

I do get a bit of a chuckle at the comments about reduced licensing 
requirements.  Sure, I and my buddies had to study hard for our tests and we 
had to learn the code.  By the time we took our Novice tests, we could probably 
have drawn out the complete schematic of a workable CW transmitter.  That did 
not, however, mean that we knew what the heck we were doing.

Today's CB converts know more about the basics of radio that most of the hams 
we knew back then.  Heck, only one guy in our town with probably a dozen hams 
even owned a SWR bridge.  Unfortunately, he didn't know how to use it.  I'm not 
sure any of us knew why you would use one in the first place.  Those CBers we 
all complain about may have developed some annoying operating habits but they 
seem to grow out of them as they get experience on the ham bands.  They are no 
worse technically than we were back then

Knowing the code and having to take a test without seeing the question pool 
ahead of time did not make us technical experts and it certainly did not make 
us good radio operators.  We stumbled around, accidentally QRMed each other, 
messed up TV reception for the whole neighborhood, but we had fun.  I'm just 
concerned that same level of fun does not appear to be available to new entry 
level hams, at least under these solar conditions.

Now back to playing radio.

Gary - N0GW

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Gary A. Hinton" <wb6...@...> wrote:
>      Hello Gary,
>     Gone are the days of being proud of getting your General or
>     Extra Class ticket. Taking a bus to the FCC field office in the city 
> making
>     a day of it. Now days just memorize the answers and your a Extra Class.
>     The system nowadays is so easy a Cave Man with a IQ of five, could get a 
> license.
>     Being a VE here also, I see testes that know the answers but nothing more 
> about them. 
>     The basic problem people are just lazy and want everything on a silver 
> platter.
>     You should show these Tech's what they are missing out on, maybe they 
> will upgrade.
>     Remember you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
>     Now flame time.
>     73 Gary WB6BNE
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Gary 
>   To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com 
>   Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 10:55 AM
>   Subject: [digitalradio] Techs on HF digital
>   I thought I'd run something up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes:

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