Great thought experiment.  Some things that came to mind when I read the list:

1.  There is a jump between sketching and digital prototyping.  I
think that there should be a survey course on the entire range of
prototyping methods to provide a suite of tools for interaction
designers.  The course would include:  workflow diagrams, wireframes,
metaphor, storyboards, wizard of OZ testing, personas (prototyping
users), paper prototyping, card sorting, and a few other techniques.
2.  Advanced user interface design that gets beyond the basics into
things like agent technology, ambient user interfaces, etc.
3.  Something on universal design and accessibility.  There are a lot
of aging baby boomers around (I'm one of them and the eyes aren't what
they used to be).
4.  Human factors fundamentals (this would be touched on in a number
of the courses including the one on cognitive psych, but there are
many principles in HF that have been heavily researched and that would
provide designers with a stronger rationale for their recommenations
and designs.
5.  An experiential course in color (like the one that Albers did -- I
took a course from one of Alber's students and it was quite an eye
opener).  Someone might have mentioned that.
6.  Social psychological principles and their application to
interaction design -- much of what we are developing is collaborative
and involves groups working together so some old and some new social
psych principles would provide a foundation for the design of
collaboration software (which goes by different names like social
7.  Fun and Pleasure in product design.

Good topic.

> Year 1:
> Sketching and Modeling
> Introduction to Typography
> Industrial Design Fundamentals
> Introduction to Programming
> Writing Fundamentals
> Year 2:
> Intermediate Industrial Design
> Intermediate Typography
> Information Design and Visualization
> Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
> Design History
> Year 3:
> Design Research
> Digital Prototyping
> Physical Computing
> Design Theory
> Interface Design
> Year 4:
> Senior Project
> Studio: Projects with New Technology
> Advanced Topics (CD, ID, CS, Psychology, Anthropology)
> Current Topics in IxD
> Documenting Systems
> Ideally, there would be a mix of humanities classes in here as well.

> Year 1:
> Refresher Courses (sampler as per undergrad courses)
> Design Theory
> Design Strategy
> Design Research Analysis
> Business Fundamentals
> Year 2:
> Master's Thesis
> Master's Project
> Design Management
> Advanced Topics (CD, ID, CS, Psychology, Anthropology)
> Current Topics in IxD
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