Jees... Dave,
I wrote about the RED context in my very first comment - please revisit...

BTW - to avoid putting my words in anybody's mouth I try to add "IMHO", " in my understanding" (as often as it's tolerable for readers).. shall I add it to every sentence???
I believe Jim will correct me if need be...

You also seem to have quite a few assumptions about our experience. I am talking of the experiences of small design firm that has been around the Valley since 1997. Enough time to see patterns of client- designer relationships and see outcomes of ours and somebody else's project work. When I talk about the frustrated VPs and CTOs -- they described their previous experiences with some practitioners - after we started working with them we've been successful enough to keep these clients for years.

Can you please elaborate on "cultural problems "? Not sure am getting it...

On Jan 29, 2009, at 1:52 PM, Dave Malouf wrote:

Yea, I have to agree with Todd,

It sounds more like cultural problems and with execution issues. Of
course a closet filled with materials is an issue, and if you are
looking at 100's of data points, well then that is a HUGE execution
problem anyway for most projects.

Here's my concern with what you are saying Yury. It sounds like you
are resonating with what Jim says, b/c you are in pain of what
you've seen from the other side. But Jim is being quite specific
about the proper context for the methods he uses as well as for the
scale and scope of those methods. I feel you are putting "words in
his mouth" to his actual disadvantage without much experience with
what he's actually done or how's he done it.

The work environment you mention (been there, done that, change it)
is not uncommon, but also is not a given. 90% of applying UX in
tech-centric environments in evangelism and in these environments in
particular the real datapoints that are derived from observation of
users (pick a method) are even that much more important to maintain,
and consider and figure out how to bring along the biz/engineering
sides into the process instead of presenting to them from the
outside. It sounds like you just have a lot of work to do.

-- dave

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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