On Jan 29, 2009, at 7:54 AM, Dave Malouf wrote:
Our (and now my) new observation of RED fits along the "special
opps" line. Jim seems to be creating a "niche" market for his
consultancy/practice similar to the special opps. ....
... What we mean by this is that it feels like "design".

Excuse me... but ... "niche"??? After meeting with hundreds of tech companies (big and small) here in the Silicon Valley (and a few across the globe) I know that this RED "approach/method/thingy" is the only chance for these companies to get their products designed competently, on time, on budget, fit the design phases into their tight dev cycle and release the product ...

Interestingly, it seems like some people immediately get what Jim is talking about and for others no amount of explanation makes any sense. I suspect that since RED makes enormous impact on the business side of things - particularly on the client side - the value (and the very existence) of such a phenomenon will remain questionable for designers who are not exposed to those kind of conversations ...

May be it is just "design" - but practiced in very specific manner that keeps clients coming back for more ....


Yury Frolov
Design Director, Studio Asterisk*

GUI Strategy | User Experience | Brand

415 374 7478 voice
702 446 7840 fax


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