Yury, I've been reading your messages and it is great that "you get
it", but pppplease!!!!!

We are NOT talking about UX/Agile methods here that many in the
valley are moving towards and please don't put out overly dramatic
generalizations or sub-positions that have no basis in reality. MOST
design works in the Valley are still heavily invested in standard UX
methods if they have ANY design at all. There are few name-orgs that
are using RED as their sole or even primary mode of operating from
what I've seen.

Further, it is just really unclear what RED is beyond experienced
designers using their experience to short-cut the rest of the system.
A valid practice, but really far from a method that one can profess as

So I stand by my "niche" sentiment since there are so few people
who can even call themselves experienced enough for such a method.
With over 15 years of IxD work under my belt, i would only do
"genius" design when I had to, but would still always choose a
truer UCD process that employed context-based research over using
2ndary sources and my gut. And further as a designer, i find it hard
to not have a strong ideation and strategy setting part of the
framework and methods that I use regardless of ability to do

-- dave

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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