@Dave and others asking for deeper analysis etc, a lot of this is
reminding me of some things I read for my PhD last year, particularly
around work integrated learning (WIL) particularly in the health
(nursing for example) and education sectors

...and Donald Schön's stuff around how reflective practitioners
learn through practice (the reflective practitioner, educating the
reflective practitioner) - what Jim and others are (i think)
describing as experience.

Late last year I started doing some interviews with IxD's around
(amongst other things) 'what goes on in the studio' and how they
communicate their knowledge and insight to one another while they
work. I'd love to say that I have some answers, but the work so far
is just beginning (it has to fit in with a full time academic job and
other life). I hope to have some more cogent thoughts on this at the
end of this year if anyone's interested.

I'd also be interested to follow up with people who have strong
thoughts on this while in Vancouver next week.., so feel free to drop
me a line if yr interested.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Schon is a good starting point re
Schön and other related work...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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