On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 4:47 AM, Jared Spool <jsp...@uie.com> wrote:
> On Nov 23, 2009, at 6:25 PM, Alan Wexelblat wrote:
> At heart it's a small story about fitting user experience into a (big)
> corporate culture. Or not.
> Really, it's a story about how an independent designer doesn't get the world
> of big corporation politics. And, it's a story about how a company which
> doesn't like its laundry aired in public deals with employees who reveal
> stuff publicly.
> There's nothing to see here. Move along.
> That's my opinion.


Your opinion is phrased in a haughty and dismissive manner.  If you
don't care to participate in the discussion, there's the 'd' key on
your keyboard, OK?

It's my opinion, as I said in the original message, that it's a story
about how UX fits into large corporate culture.  And, yes, it's also
the case that Curtis doesn't understand how the external face of the
company (the AA site) is produced.  But Curtis is (or was) a customer.
 And as you yourself noted, the experience that AA is giving its
customers stinks.

Redesigning a Web site is easy.  Redesigning the user experience for a
big complex company is hard, even leaving aside the problems of AA's
particular corporate culture. But it's an important problem for UX
professionals to understand.

Or at least, some of us.  If it's not important for you, and you
already know it all, great. Mazal tov.  But please don't piss on
others' conversations.

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