I think there is a constructive string worth pursuing here. Many many many
designers (ux, ixd, ai, whatever) operate within large organizations, and
many do it with a chip on their shoulder. And while counter productive, to
some extent, when no one in that organization is listening, who can blame
them. Design is across the board deserving of respect beyond tactical
execution. Design as a strategy, and design as a profession are under
utilized in large organizations.

For the responder, he merely picked the wrong venue for his venting and
exposition. A public blog has enormous SEO potential that is bound to
attract the attention of corporate PR watchdogs. Unfortunately this venue
has much the same visibility. I have been (personally) criticized for
exposing too much in a relatively frank discussion of conditions very
similar to this one. I would like to think there this could be a place share
those frustrations and a resource for finding ways to deal with these
problems. But this is the interweb... and everyone can come in the door.
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