On Nov 24, 2009, at 6:19 PM, mark schraad wrote:

One of the most painful adjustments I see in designers (and myself as well) is that when you move to a giant company and giant projects... change is often slow and the impact of your work is smaller. When you get 25 people on a design decision committee... the outcomes are often aggregate. While this can be disappointing, it is a mechanism that provides stability (read slow

As important as a decision to work in design or ux as opposed to product or some other area is, the decision to work in a large corporation vs a start
up or an agency is critical and should be thought out carefully.

In my experience, this happens commonly because the organization hasn't done a good job of building and disseminating a solid experience vision to work from. When we look at teams that are doing this well, having that vision is a key component.

The vision gives everyone involved to ask the question, "Is this specific design solution getting us closer to or farther from the vision?" The teams that focus on making sure everyone is clear on the vision spends less time designing-by-committee.

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