This has made for some interesting reading.  It seems to have been quiet
on the SB front lately.  I chalked it up to slowed development due to a
slowed economy.

I've been otherwise occupied since the birth of my son in March (who I
am bouncing in his bouncy seat with my foot as I type this message :-),
so I haven't been following the forums here as much as I used to.

There seems to be quite a delay with the release of the 7.3.3 version
of the server.  Might they be holding it up so its release coincides
with the release of new hardware?  I seem to recall that this happened
with 7.0 and the release of the Duet, and 7.2 (??) with the Boom.

I probably won't be in the market for any of the new devices, but the
gadget geek in me would be anxious to see what they are all about.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 3 Booms, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 11.0 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.2.1 (7.3 had dropouts for me) and SqueezeSlave.  MusicIP
has been turned off temporarily while I move to a lossless version of my
maggior's Profile:
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