pfarrell;495076 Wrote: 
> The Touch is much more
> than a Classic with a touch screen. Its a computer. Its not really a
> "slim device" as it can do things like read music off of a thumb or
> even
> external disk drive. For folks who already have a SlimServer, the
> ability of the Touch to work as a serverless system may not be all
> that
> critical, but for new users, it will be a godsend.
I don't understand the configurations and usage scenarios you're
anticipating will be a "godsend". How many people carry music around on
thumb drives as opposed to MP3 players (which don't need a Touch to play
through a stereo)? Will people buy an external drive to store their
music rather than running SlimServer on a PC, and if so, how will they
add music to it, and will the drive be accessible throughout their

I agree that setting up and managing a SlimServer is complicated for
non-techies, but I don't understand how the Touch will help. Maybe I'm
missing something.

(Thanks for the rest of your reply, however, which makes sense to me.)

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