bruce;495103 Wrote: 
> So as long as you have one Touch on your network, most any player
> (Touch, Receiver, Transporter, Boom, Radio, or SB3/2) on your network
> can play music from any hard drive(s) on your network, without any
> server running?
Not from -any- drive on the network, only from USB drives that are
directly connected to the Touch. But it works the other way around, the
Touch can act as a NAS and other computers can access that drive over
the network.

pfarrell;495076 Wrote: 
> The Touch is much more than a Classic with a touch screen. Its a
> computer.
That's exactly the point. The SB3 is discontinued, and there is no
direct replacement. Of course you can ignore the built-in server and the
touch screen and just use the Touch as a player, but that's like buying
a house and then living in a single room only.

I would really like to use it as a standalone server, but its
capabilities seem way too limited, given that plugins are not fully
supported and you already need a plugin to do such simple things as
automatic playlists based on track ratings.

In combination it feels overpriced as a player, and underpowered as a

pfarrell;495076 Wrote: 
> What folks tend to forget is that the Classic is just a new name on a
> SB3, and the SB3 is just a new plastic package on the SB2.
To be honest, of all types of SBs that have ever been made I like the
SB2 best. I would immediately buy one, but they seem really hard to get,
even harder than the SB1.

I don't like the upright form factor of the Classic and the Touch - my
stereo rack is more than 10" deep, but there is only so much vertical
space left. My SB1 fits there neatly, as would an SB2, the Classic would
already look crammed in, and the Touch might not fit at all.

If one of the reasons to discontinue the Classic was that the displays
are no longer made, couldn't they build a similar player around a
current one like this: '24064-CCFL'
These would be totally sufficient to display "now playing" information,
they are almost as wide as the Classic display, and not much taller.

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