now erland may have a point - although the ts-109 is connected directly
to the router (it has no in-built wireless). The 109 runs slimserver
but I also mount it to my laptop so I can put music/photo's/etc on it
easily (even though it takes ages compared to a direct connect. I
sometimes wire my laptop to the router to get 100mbps which speeds
things up). The traffic is 99.999% music (either mp3's or internet

I do wonder if the laptop firing up is re-establishing the network hard
drive mount and buggering things up. I would have hoped the ts-109 and
network could have handled that rather simple process in addition to
continuing to stream whatever to the sb3's.

However, the sb3's still stall when doing internet music and the laptop
isn't on.

By the way, i have reserved ip addresses for the ts-109 and laptop as
the router is a dhcp server. I've also increased buffering to the sb3
to no avail. I do think it's the router, if i'm honest... or a
neighbouring n/w. I've installed stumbler or whatever it's called and
changed the channel so i'm the only one on mine now.

Is internet radio (bbc2 via alien plug-in) notably erroneous? Funnily
enough, classicFM and TheJazz don't seem to cause as many problems...

Thanks again for your ideas, guys. I so don't want to get rid of these
little gems!

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