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Question: Which user category do you belong to most ?
- The geek
- The audiophile
- The structured music lover
- Massmarket Joe
- Other (None of the above fits me, see wiki page before choosing

Philip Meyer;311334 Wrote: 
> >IMHO it is important to understand which users you have, because that
> >gives you a better understanding what to focus on.
> >
> To a great extent, I don't believe it will give a better understanding
> on what to focus on, even if the results were a true reflection of the
> customer base.  The same result will ensue.
> We know that the customer base is split across all categories of user,
> but not necessarily what the ratios are.  All categories of user need
> to be supported, as it's a universal product.  It's not meant to be
> tailored for any single type of user.
We obviously have different ideas regarding this because I completely
disagree, if you don't know which type of user you are target you are
going to fail to satisfy your customer.

In a product which is supposed to satisfy multiple user categories, you
will have to look at each feature and decide which type of user that
needs it. This is critical, because if you don't you end up doing a
solution that may not work for the user category that really needs the
feature. In some situations a feature has to be acceptable to several
user categories, in some situations it really don't. If you don't know
your users, you are going to end up implementing a too expensive
solution or a solution that only fits one of the user categories, maybe
not even the one that needs it most.

Some of my own plugins has totally failed for some user categories
because of this. As an example, look at the Custom Browse plugin, with
its flexibility and customization possibilities it will really just fit
the geeks. However, if you think about which user categories that really
need a more flexible browsing solution, "the geek" is one but I'm quite
sure "the structured music lover" is another one. I bet that most (not
all) structured music lover's that has thought about using Custom
Browse, either hasn't bothered at all or has failed to get it to do
what they want due to the configuration complexity. So this is a great
example how a flexible browsing feature can fail to satisfy the main
target if you don't know who you are targeting when implementing it.

Custom Browse of course, is really implemented with my own needs in
focus, which also results in that it is really focused to satify the
geek. So since my main priority often has been to solve my own problems
first, I really don't see it as a failure. I guess my point is that
flexible browsing implemented in SqueezeCenter the same way would miss
some of its main targets. In the same way, flexible browsing
implemented so it fits massmarket Joe would probably be way too
expensive and might be to hard coded to even work for the geek and the
structured music lover.

So IMHO, knowing which user category you are targeting with a specific
feature is very important even thought the product itself needs to work
for multiple user categories.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
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