>So this basically means that SB3 is designed for my 90 year old grandmother ?
Unless she is an audiophile, in which case the Transporter was designed 
specifically for her.  Big knob, bigger screen, bigger sound ;)

>And every new feature in SqueezeCenter must be designed to work good both for 
>me and her ?
All functions should be designed to be as easy to use as possible, and 
unobtrusive for people that don't need/want those functions.

>So maybe the user categories I defined was the wrong ones ?
Maybe.  I don't think it would make any difference.

>Better suggestions that would fit everyone better would be appreciated,
>so if anyone has ideas how to divide the users into different
>categories, please post.

There are different ways to categorise users.  By type (as you have attempted), 
or by the hardware they use to play music (PC Server, NAS, Squeezebox, 
Transporter, SBC).  Perhaps by age group.  Perhaps by their listening 
environment (lounge or bedroom, loud parties or headphones).  If half the user 
base were grandmothers, and half were spotty teenager geeks, would it really 
influence the way that geeky functions are designed, so that grandmothers can 
use them too?

I think "Geek" is too strong.  Perhaps open it up a bit more to be people who 
are not afraid to try beta software and plugins; they are gadget lovers.  They 
constantly strive for new features.  Enthusiasts.

Music Lover and Audiophile are similar to me - both care about listening to 
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