On Mon, 2010-04-19 at 07:55 -0700, orokusaki wrote:
> With all respect, you still haven't addressed my main concern: You
> told me that it was because of backward compatibility that this simple
> change couldn't be put in the trunk. It is backward compatible. If I'm
> wrong, it would suffice to have a simple explanation of what it
> breaks.

I'd like to second this question. orokusaki suggested a couple of things
in ticket #13100, but I'm seconding specifically this comment:

This is a serious bug/missing feature for my company's application and I
don't see an obvious problem, backwards-compatibility or otherwise, with
the suggested fix.


orokusaki: Instead of copying-and-pasting the function before and after
your change, could you generate a diff (ideally against Django SVN's
HEAD)? That's a more natural format for developers to review and it
makes it easier for them to commit. (For these reasons, it's the normal
way to submit patches in most open source projects.) Making life easy
for the core developers is a key step in getting your ticket addressed
(be it with Django or another project), and it's something Russell
reiterated in the video.

The basic steps would be:
1) svn co http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk/ django-trunk
2) Make the change you listed.
3) svn diff > ~/13100-full-clean-dry.diff
4) Upload 13100-full-clean-dry.diff to the ticket.

I could easily do this (and will if it's necessary), but I thought it
better to help you to do it.

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