On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 6:35 AM, Tom X. Tobin <tomxto...@tomxtobin.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 10:10 PM, Russell Keith-Magee
> <freakboy3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> However, at this point, I would like to tell you a story about four
>> people named Everybody,  Somebody, Anybody, Nobody.
> This is exactly why I try not to bitch too much about Django's
> development process.  It's very easy to complain, but it's not quite
> so easy to "shut up and show me the code".
> --
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And it's not supposed to be. Sometimes, all you need is feedback. Here is some!

I personally love to refer to the Bazaar development process as an
extremely healthy project and way to work. Hopefully, you guys can
learn a thing of two out of this.

For one, there is no split between a -users mailing list and a
-developers mailing list. Understand that the Bazaar mailing list is
just as active as django-developers (so less active than -users +
-developers). But it does have one clear benefit. Users don't get
pushed around with "Django-developers is for discussion about blah
blah blah".
Django, even more so than Bazaar, is an application that has
developers as its primary userbase. Using the same mailing list for
"everything" gives developers an unique insight into what users want,
where problems exist and gives users the feeling they are able to
contribute more easily, including with code!

Of course this is just a proposal, but I've seen the "Wrong mailing
list!" warning spat out too easily. Sometimes questions should be
answered by developers. Who else is more able to answer about the
Proper Usage of a specific feature than its own author?

Another health feature of Bazaar is how tight the community is.
Django's community is similarly-sized, yet Bazaar manages to gather
its community, giving it a much friendlier environment. Launchpad
(their bug tracking platform) is being used for much of the off-list
discussions and lets the users easily contact developers on the list,
while trac still looks confusing, has a disgusting login system, and
Thousands More Issues.
(Before anyone throws me a "Shut up and show me the code!", I've been
working on a bug/issue tracker using Django as backend. I'll gladly
accept help from anyone who also wants to work on this!)

Plugin development and discussion is also done on the same list. This
ties the community even closer, while Django's best fallback is
djangosnippets.org. Last time I saw anything like it on this list was
a few days ago with the django template language port to Qt. And what
does the Django Developer say to the guy who releases a Cool Project?
"Wrong mailing list!".
Needless to say (but saying it anyway), this is also the sort of
undeserved hostility people have been talking about in this thread.

Oh and lastly, they don't use svn ;)


J. Leclanche / Adys

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