On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 11:13 PM, Jerome Leclanche <adys...@gmail.com> wrote:

> For one, there is no split between a -users mailing list and a
> -developers mailing list. Understand that the Bazaar mailing list is
> just as active as django-developers (so less active than -users +
> -developers). But it does have one clear benefit. Users don't get
> pushed around with "Django-developers is for discussion about blah
> blah blah".
> Django, even more so than Bazaar, is an application that has
> developers as its primary userbase. Using the same mailing list for
> "everything" gives developers an unique insight into what users want,
> where problems exist and gives users the feeling they are able to
> contribute more easily, including with code!

I think this is due to an unfortunate (but common) confusion of
"developers" and "users".  In the mailing list sense, "developers"
means developers *of Django itself*, not "developers who use Django";
"users" means "anyone who uses Django", which (obviously) includes
developers in the general sense of the term.

I feel the separation of mailing lists is a must, even if their names
are not necessarily ideal; considering the high volume of posts to
-users, it would be far too easy for posts about developing Django
itself to get lost there.

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