I just want to throw my 2 cents into the ring here. I'm not against a
fork, but at the same time I want to see the Django mainline progress.
However, let me tell you my story, and how I've seen the Django
development process over the years.

I started with Django 4 years ago. It was cool, shiny, and let us get
up and running. At the time, were were one of the largest Django
installations. We had needs, and some of those needs were met.
However, many were not. We were the only ones furiously trying to get
the core team to accept our patches, ideas, etc.. Now while I'm not
going to say every idea we had was right for Django, there were in
fact many that were great, and eventually have made it into trunk.
There are also still many (lets take the classic #17 here), that still
haven't made it into trunk, even though people have been even more
aggressively pushing them lately. I honestly can only remember a
single patch that I've committed that has ever been fully integrated
into trunk (select_related refactor).

Now, the development process has changed with Django over the years,
but I will sadly say that I feel it's been for the worst. I've
completely given up on trac, submitting patches, or even
participating. Now while some may not like my aggressive tacts (e.g.
James) that doesn't mean what I've brought to the table hasn't been
needed. For the last year or two all I've seen on the trac whenever I
took up the time to write a patch, or even submit a ticket, was a
closure of "wontfix" for some, honestly, stupid reason. It just isnt
worth my time to submit the same ticket 3 times just so its "correct",
or it fits everyones needs. Tickets are not patches, and they
shouldn't be treated like "if this one isnt accepted, create a new

I think there's a split within the Django core team right now and I
strongly believe that unless you can tirelessly convince a core
developer (no matter how large the following), a feature is not going
to make it into mainline. This to me is a serious issue when you're
talking about an open source, community contributed project. Sure, the
core team does a large amount of the work, but not without help from
the community. I'll take this back to my old analogy, not everyone is
building a blog, and if they are, they can go use WordPress. Many,
many things have gone ignored for far too long. I love Malcom's ORM
refactor, but that was at a standstill for I don't know how long, and
that entire time any patch which was related to improvements to the
ORM was ignored simply stating "we're working on a refactor of the
ORM". This philosophy seems to continue still today.

Just recently there was a post about "High Level Talk About
Django" (or whatever it was called). Now while the thread didn't make
a whole lot of sense in general, it was just an attempt to gather some
ideas, and brainstorm. Immediately it was shut down by the core

What frustrates me even more is all of this pony talk. If there's one
thing I dislike it's Django's philosophy that "if it can be done 3rd
party, do it", yet even the simplest things, like the template engine,
have better 3rd party implementations (Jinja2). Django still doesn't
have migrations. It still doesn't have dependancies. It's seriously
lacking in many areas which other (albeit lesser) alternatives such as
Rails have made available for far too long. Now while there's great
3rd party apps for things like this (South), and there's a few
mediocre sites to find pieces of code (Django Snippets), this doesn't
solve the problem which is really going on in Django: The community
cant contribute beyond what the core team deems necessary.

For me, I've entirely given up on trying to give back to Django. I've
written enormous amounts of questionable code simply so I didn't have
to patch Django, or even bother dealing w/ the process of Django's
development. Monkey patching, ugly metaclass hacks, you name it.
Anything that's made it easier to avoid this "process", has made it
easier for us to develop. I continue to build these "ponies", but that
doesn't make them any easier to integrate in Django.

All in all, I think some things have been ignored for far too long.
Simple things, again, like migrations, JSON and RESTful utilities, and
even the tools to make development easier (the debug toolbar hasn't
been around that long). Yet so much time is spent on things like
refactoring the admin (while it's useful, in the big picture, its not
flexible, and never can be), the template system, and many other
things which have been done and done again by other people.

Again, this is just my opinion, and I do know that many share it. This
has been one of the largest outcries of people I've seen in a while. I
honestly can't see that I see a fork succeeding, but I would
definitely like to see what can happen to make the "process"
friendlier to people like myself and some of the others who have
posted here. Really, for me, I just don't (nor do I want to) have the
time to keep up on Django's process. If I see a bug, I want to let
people know, as easily as possible. If I think of a must-have feature,
I want it to be shot down for a real reason.

On Apr 17, 10:35 am, Simone Federici <s.feder...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The work of the core team is outstanding and I find that the process of
> development
> is to be taken as an example.
> Unfortunately, customers often want features, but we are programmers,
> engineers,
> and we know who we are and what is our role.
> Compatibility is strongly important when choosing a tool.
> Otherwise who would have used? only geeks?
> Imagine if we can use frameworks that between one release and another
> introduce incompatibility. no thanks.
> thanks guys
> S
> On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 15:50, Stephen Wolff <stephen.wo...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > I feel quite sad reading this thread. Good luck completing 1.2. I only wish
> > I had time and energy to contribute. I suggest the core team ignore the
> > thread for now if at all possible.
> > On 17 Apr 2010 14:47, "Russell Keith-Magee" <freakboy3...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 7:14 PM, George Sakkis <george.sak...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > On Apr 17, 5:35 am...
> > For the record, there are 62 tickets marked ready for checkin, not 400
> > [1]. 29 of those are documentation and translation patches (5 of which
> > are specifically marked for inclusion in 1.2).
> > [1]
> >http://code.djangoproject.com/query?status=new&status=assigned&status...
> > On top of that, the Ready For Checkin status doesn't mean that a
> > member of the core team has reviewed a patch. It means that someone --
> > anyone -- thinks the patch is ready for checkin. There's no guarantee
> > that a Ready For Checkin patch is *actually* ready for checkin. If you
> > do a survey of the Ready For Checkin patches, you'll find tickets that
> > don't have test cases, or add features that aren't documented, or make
> > a significant changes that haven't been discussed on django-dev. If I
> > were to sit down and work through that list, I guarantee I wouldn't
> > end up making 62 commits to trunk using the material that has been
> > provided on those tickets.
> > I would also point out the folly of looking at raw ticket counts.
> > Python (the language) has 1078 tickets in the "having patch" status,
> > and 96 in the "needing review" status. Does this mean that Python is a
> > project in crisis?
> > Yes, there is a ticket backlog. Yes, this means there is a lot of work
> > that needs to be done. What we need is people volunteering to actually
> > do that work. However, as I've already indicated in this thread, much
> > of that work could be done without any change in current project
> > policy - we just needs people to actually do the work.
> > My dream outcome would to be in the situation where I don't *ever*
> > have to spend time on Trac trying to work out if the ticket that has
> > been marked Ready For Checkin is *actually* ready for checkin. Give me
> > a rich vein of trunk ready tickets that has been reviewed by someone
> > whose reputation I know and trust, and believe me -- I will use it.
> > > Healthy projects don't need a separately maintained fork/branch on
> > > github or bitbucket just to ...
> > The flipside of this is that too many cooks spoil the broth. If we
> > want to maintain a high quality product, we can't just add a dozen new
> > developers to the core team.
> > I would also point out that even in projects that do have large teams
> > with the commit bit, access to the "core trunk" is generally only made
> > available to a restricted subset of the entire team. Alternatively,
> > some sort of code review process is used to ensure that multiple team
> > members (occasionally, specially blessed team members) check patches
> > before they are committed. There's a lot more to commit policies in
> > open source than raw team size.
> > Yours,
> > Russ Magee %-)
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