On 2002.02.20 10:48 Michael Thaler wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 11:07:49AM +0100, Michael Thaler wrote:
> I played a little bit with the UnrealTournament.ini options. If I set
> [SDLDrv.SDLClient]
> NoLighting=True
> I don't get these errors anymore. But UT is slow. I think I get 5 to
> 10 fps or something. Any hints how you can improve that.

I usually get 10 to 20 fps with the settings attached.

> I think someone told me that the light thing is fixed in CVS. I
> downloaded the CVS branch just two or three days ago but I will try
> again, maybe I get it working.
> By the way, where are the limitations of the mach64 chipset? Is it in
> principle capable to run games like UT with say at least 25 fps and
> some effects turned on like lights?

I think that when it's able to do AGP texturing and is better optimized it 
should be able to do 25 fps on low resolution.

> Coletely different topic: are there any good books or docs to learn
> OpenGL programming on Linux?

OpenGL is itself platform indepent, so any of the books referred in 
http://www.opengl.org/developers/documentation/index.html . The GUI window
setup is platform dependent. On Linux you can use GLUT, X11, SDL, and few
more probably. If you're not familiar with any of the GUIs I would advise
to use GLUT, wich is quite simple to learn, cross-platform, and several
textbooks use it for examples.

Besides textbooks check the tutorials available at 
http://www.opengl.org/developers/code/tutorials.html . Mesa also has a 
nice set of OpenGL demos.

> Thanks,
> Michael


José Fonseca

Attachment: UnrealTournament.ini
Description: Binary data

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