On Wed, 2002-04-24 at 18:33, Peter Andersson wrote:
> I have applied the patch and recompiled the entire "dri tree" and still 

This is not necessary. Once you build it once, you just need to go the
directory where the change was and make

 su -c "make install"

unless it's in the kernel directory, where you need to do

 make -f Makefile.linux mach64.o
 rmmod mach64.o
 cp mach64.o /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/char/drm/

If you messed with headers (as in this case) it's better to do (on the
same dir too)

 make clean

just in case the dependencies aren't right.

> experience the same problems, eg the computer hangs when i try to use 
> open gl applications. Could this be a result of the program trying to 

First let's lower down the requirement level (you mentioned games) and
let's start by simple less-demanding apps. Glxgears and the Mesa demos
would be a good starting point. If you don't have these, download the
latest Mesa source and build them. The gears example is included there
as well.

> use the "xv" display method? As i have understood there are no hardware 

No, the current driver disables the 2D acceleration.

> accelerated 2D rendering. And i know my screen and graphics board are 
> "picky" with screen resolutions. It only supports 600*480 and 800*600 
> display mode in 8,16 and 32 bit mode.

If you see the mode in 2D you shouldn't get more troubles than that.

Please supply more information about the failure. Is there any message
on the system log (usually /var/log/messages). Can you access the
computer trhu network after the hang?

> Peter

Jose Fonseca

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