At 7:36 PM +0300 6/24/03, Danny Van den Berghe wrote:
>Well, xodds (that's betonmarkets isn't it?) is more to be compared with the
>options exchanges.

I believe they're the same company.

>They actually have developped a few nice products which you don't find on
>the ordinary options exchanges.
>But for somebody who simply wants to trade long or short the physical gold
>market, their fees will be much too high.
>Just buy any of their options and try to sell it again subsequently, and you
>will find that you already lost some 10-15% in the transaction cost alone...

I see. I'm sure they have to make a profit, though. I also disagree
with your other message about coin values. You'd get a premium on
coins if you run a coinshop. If you're selling to a coinshop (or a pawn
shop!) I think you'd be lucky to get them to bid more than "spot" on
one-ounce bullion coins (smaller ones don't count here).

.... shareholders of DBourse/TGC only have a
>> reputation to rely upon, is one view of things. Of course, what did Enron
>> shareholders rely on?
>They relied on the (very good) reputation of the auditing firm, but still it
>It is not the Nasdaq or New York stock exchange that are to be blamed for

True, they've got other problems (not just front-running, a bigtime
conflict-of-interest article was in today's WSJ for example!). Small
investors (one's my dad!) just don't have faith in Wall Street, they
think things are "rigged in favor of the big guys."

>When you have a dishonest management that finds an auditor who is willing to
>play the game, then the rules fail.

Yes. Whether or not there's an SEC on your antiaircraft platform.

>But do you seriously think that in absence of these rules (sec) and an
>auditor, this Enron management would suddenly have turned into honest and
>dependable, trustworthy people that would not have wasted anybody's money???

No, not at all! They were found out early by the markets, but without
an SEC they *might* have been found-out even-earlier! The lesson
from Enron/WorldCom/GlobalCrossing/etc. about accountants and
audits is a tough one -- IMO it means some people have to get used
to working harder and getting less pay, for a long time. Reputation-
capital is like that.

PS I believe DBourse has updated their pages with the info you seek
on TGC. I think they're not wanting to "hype" shares too much, they
say they're for sophisticated investors (a reason for the high price?). 

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