''Dionisio Aguado New Guitar Method - An English translation of Aguado's
celebrated method of 1843. Translated from the original Spanish by Louise
Bigwood With a preface by Brian Jeffery - Tecla 372''

Page 11 (of the Tecla edition) Paragraph 38:

''Some rest the little finger of the right hand on the soundboard so as to
give sureness to the hand when plucking. This may have been useful for some
people while the guitar was not in a fixed position, but now that it is
played on the tripod I do not consider this support necessary ...''

To me, that is pretty clear and straight forward, however, Matanya has a
Sherlock Holmes-like talent for noticing things others take for granted. I
would like to read what he has to say, but apparently he is banned from this
list. I think that is a shame. However, I will endevour to report what he
has to say, should he want me to.

I was wrong in saying that 'I quoted Aguado as saying that he doesn't need
to use the pinkie now that he has his tripod', where clearly he is talking
about other people. I apologise for this. The book was in my mother-in-law's
garage...and I had to arrange time to get it back. 

Despite his disaproval, though, Aguado does state that 'this may have been
useful for some people' - so not outright condemnation of the practice...

Rob MacKillop

-----Original Message-----
From: Matanya Ophee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 October 2005 16:05
Subject: Re: [EARLY-GUIT] Re: Little finger, RH

At 04:52 PM 10/14/2005, you wrote:
>Yes, but see my previous post a few days ago where I quoted Aguado as 
>saying that he doesn't need to use the pinkie now that he has his tripod.

What was the exact source of the quote?

>inference seems to be that he used the pinkie before he invented his

A risky conclusion, no matter what your source was. Aguado already made the
proscription of the little finger part of his teaching in the 1825 Escuela,
many years before the invention of the Tripod.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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