There are several GPS units with as good or better precision than the GeoXT.
 You will need to decide what Basic mapping grade handheld units include the
Leica GS20, Trimble Pathfinder series, and several other survey and mapping
level GPS units.  The Trimble GeoXT is a good handheld unit with decent
accuracy  but is not the most accurate or precise GPS on the market.
Geodetic and Survey grade GPS units are highly accurate but expensive.  I
have used several Garmins, Trimbles, CMT, and Leicas.  I have been happy
with with Leica GS20 and Trimble GeoXT for collecting spatial data for most
ecological applications.

Take a look at how the software will interface with your GIS and weather you
need to look at maps and air photos etc of you site in the field.

Here are some websites that may help you.


On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 14:41:46 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Forumites
> I wanted to find out more about GPS units, a topic many people have asked 
> about on this listserv in the past.  What I am trying to figure out is the

> accuracy between an item like the Trimble Geo-Explorer XT compared to 
> something more economically available like a Garmin 12 or Magellan
> product?      
> Are people happy using simple GPS units like the Garmin 12 to collect data

> especially if you want to conduct geospatial analyses and if so how do you

> deal with spatial accuracy and post processing data if it can be done.        
> Also, what is the spatial accuracy compared to sub-meter GPS units.  I 
> would 
> assume that it couldn’t but it might also be difficult to do.  I know the 
> Trimble GPS unit and Pathfinder Office makes this easier and you have
> better 
> accuracy and precision, you even get a root mean square error with you 
> data 
> so that could be discussed. I appreciate any input and help from any
> one and 
> look forward to hear what has to be said.  You can reply to me and then I 
> can summarize what was said to the listserv if need be.
> Thanks,
> Arvind
> Master's Student
> Department of Geography
> Virginia Tech

Marlow G. Pellatt, Ph.D.
Coastal Ecologist
Parks Canada, Western Canada Service Centre
300 - 300 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6B 6B4 Canada, and
School of Resource and Environmental Management
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, British Columbia
V5A 1S6 Canada
Phone: (604) 666-2556

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