The OFTP protocol was expanded back in 1997 to include support for
transmission over an IP based network. This has been adopted my many large
companies both in the European automotive sector (from which the protocol
takes it's routes) and also two of major VANs in Europe will be implementing
OFTP over IP in the near future (although it unclear whether this will be
over the Internet).

The DINET VAN operated by Data Interchange Plc supports OFTP over IP using
our private IP network but also over the Internet. This has enabled DINET to
provide VAN services to companies geographically remote to the UK (USA and
Europe) where traditional communications (even ISDN) was impractical.
Because DINET also provides connections over X.25, ISDN and X.28 the service
is able to work as a protocol bridge... i.e. trading partner data is
received over X.25 and collected over IP, which provides an economical
method of trading with partners that only support X.25.

I think that the Internet should be considered as a cost effective
communications mechanism that, with the right service provider, can increase
cross-network access and not just provide web-EDI services.


Robert Pilcher                 Tel:     +44 (0) 1733 371 311
Marketing Manger               Fax:     +44 (0) 1733 371 602
Data Interchange Plc           Web:

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