The SteppIR information is overly simplified.  For the best current
analysis of elevated vs. on ground radials see the extensive data
from N6LF -

In particular, read the comments on elevated radials:
studies on ground systems:
and studies on elevated radial systems:

One of the major red flags with elevated radials - they must be a major
fraction of a wavelength (1/8 wave is a good rule of thumb) before they
really act independently of the "dirt".  Even then, nothing will reduce
the losses in the 1 to 10 wavelength area responsible for forming the
low take off angle lobe.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 5/18/2013 1:36 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:
Hi Joel:

This is a very good summary that clearly shows the difference between
elevated and in-ground radials. (See Figure 1 on the second page)

Bottom line, if you can install a LOT of in-ground radials (the A.M.
broadcast stations use about 100), the efficiency of the antenna will be
high. If you can install resonant elevated radials, a much small number will
produce even higher efficiencies.

In ground radials do not need to be very long. About 0.2 wavelengths seems
to be as good as a much longer radial. Above ground resonant (1/4 wave long)
radials take up a lot more room.

Some A.M. Broadcast stations in the USA have used elevated radials with
great results. At least one was described in an A.R.R.L. antenna compendium
a few years ago. However, their antenna configurations are controlled by the
F.C.C. so they must go through approvals for the design. And resonant
elevated radials at those frequencies are rather long!

73, Ron AC7AC

P.S. The only FOD I know about is "Foreign Object Damage" - the nemeses of
jet engines. Haven't a clue how that applies here, Hi!

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Joel Black
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 5:37 AM
To: elecraft
Subject: [Elecraft] OT: Elevated vs. Buried Radials

A lot of talk has been going on about radials on the KX3 Yahoogroups
Reflector, but there is so much FOD on that reflector, I usually delete most
of the messages.  Although it may have been mentioned there, I have probably
missed it.

Other than for portability, why are elevated radials so important? I have a
ground-mounted 6BTV (not my main antenna) in my backyard. I have four
radials for each band and they were all put in with yard staples.
I did this in the Fall after the last grass cutting.  By Spring, the grass
had grown over them.  Now, several years later, there is at least one inch
of dirt over them.  In all honesty, it's only a backup antenna and probably
needs some radials replaced.

Now, in my situation, there was no way I was going to use elevated radials.
Someone recently posted a link to the SteppIR vertical - the CrankIR.
Looking at the one page from the link, it only mentions elevated radials.
Now, I've never seen a loaded-tower broadcast antenna with elevated radials

Is the only benefit portability?

Please, I do not want to also be accused of perpetuating FOD on another
reflector.  I'd prefer you reply directly to me.  If needed, I'll summarize
and repost.

Joel - W4JBB

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