On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 14:29:36 +0000, Fred Jensen wrote:

>We were in your part of the planet yesterday (SR47 McMinnville
>thru Banks to the Columbia and then to Astoria for the day). I
>found a sweatshirt very useful until about noon.

  Welcome to the micro-climates of the Pacific Northwest Coast!
  Come inland to the Willamette Valeey where Portland is and get
  a different micro-climate.  Today was brutally hot - I'm
  staying inside where the a/cgoes full time.

  San Francisco Bay area has the same bunch of micro-climates --
  SF itself can be cold (winter coats at a Sunday afternoon
  outdooe concer in th park) while 15 miles away in the Concord
  area (where famuly lives) it's 100 degrees....

>Also saw an S-38C in another shop.  That was hard to pass up but
>our rule is, "If you can't figure out where you'll put it before
>you buy it, you can't buy it."

  You can always put something like that in my ham shack.....

>CU all next weekend.

>Will miss the net today (cruise on the Willamette).  This retired life
>is sooo tough!

  I've been retired 11 years and can't figure out where I ever
  had the time to work a paying job.

   73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane
   Elecraft K2/100   5402

   From a Clearing in the Silicon Forest
   Beaverton (Washington County)  Oregon

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