Good Evening,

   A cool, moist week, every morning foggy with sun by 10 AM.  It dropped into the 40s last night.  Feels chilly after 110 degrees. The bugs are growing well.  They find me tasty.  Wild strawberries are starting to fade with a bumper crop of salmon berries.  Black berries are just starting to ripen while the thimble berries are showing their last blossoms.  Huckleberries are coming on too.  In a week there will be quite a lot of sun warmed fruit available to eat.

   The sun has calmed down a little.  Only a few active sunspot groups with the solar flux back to 74.  Some solar wind is due July 11-12.  There may be some noise from it during net times.

   After much listening and a little help from W8OV and W5FTD I am fairly certain I have a new bird for my life list.  I posted a link to the sound files so you can test  your hearing.  The bird books have quite a range of similar sounding birds.  You can compare and contrast them.  Regional variations make my choice less the 100% certain.  I could not find an example of one from Oregon.  His call varies so much from cycle to cycle it is hard to compare his song measure for measure with my examples.  Any flash of a field marking would be appreciated.

  I have also added two links to various types of information encoding.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at 0000z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

      Kevin. KD5ONS


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