Good Evening,
Once again I draft this epistle as the day is swiftly waning. This first day of Autumn was busy. I got quite a number of things checked off my list. A few more of Ms. P's antiques are getting ready for their spot in the house. My nephew and I dragged boxes from the house to the container after building another set of shelves. We also brought a few things back in to be cleaned and set up. I took him to the top of the mountain with a set of binoculars and a spotting scope. We saw a few of the mountains in the Cascades: Mt. Adams, Mt. Hood, South Sister (I think, it was the one south of Hood), but no St. Helens or Ranier since it was just too hazy. We filled his truck with fire wood for his trip home to Vancouver. No new antennas but I hope to get them up before the rains grow continuous again. Last week was quite chilly and wet. Today it was pleasant but Sam is enjoying his box next to the fire I built at dark. It is not warm enough to go without one. Tomorrow the weatherman says 75 or more but he does not live on a mountain! I try to extrapolate my weather from what I read and by looking out the window. I've found my weather rock is much more reliable than he is :) I did listen on forty this evening hearing many RTTY stations from end to end of the band. There were a few CW ops working but their contacts were short. The band sounded good though. Maybe tomorrow evening we will have luck reaching across the continent.

   Please join us:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT)  7045 kHz

Until tomorrow,
     Kevin. KD5ONS
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