Good Evening,
It is barely today but I have a few minutes to get this off before tomorrow :) Once again my nephew showed up to assist me in my chores. However, I have learned; I now let him do the heavy lifting while I act in my supervisory capacity ;) He took home a truckload full of wood and I now have fewer alder in the backyard. They were starting to attack my antennas. Alder grows so fast it is tough to keep in check. But it does make good firewood if left to grow for a few years. I have listened on twenty meters for a few days and then on forty meters each evening this week before bed. I've not heard the jammer but I have heard a number of stations on the air. I think we will have a good time tomorrow. I'll be running from home this week but may take my rig out to a park again. It was fun to show it to folks and to hear the good signal reports from different parts of the country. I am hoping my nephew will help me erect a few antennas. I'd like to have two matched doublets at right angles to one another only a toss of a switch apart. I'd also like to get up a large (two wavelength on 160 meters) loop as high as we can get it. Lastly I'd like to mount the vertical dipole given to me earlier this summer. Then during the nets I can change direction and take off angles at will allowing contacts in various locations. But there is nothing like a temporary antenna in a transient location with lots of folks watching to gain interest for the CW mode and to hear how well the Elecraft rigs perform. If you have a chance why don't you get on your radio tomorrow and see if you can hear us. Better yet call me when I send CQ ECN DE KD5ONS QNI ? K so I can put you in the weekly report. It only takes a few minutes to find us, work us, and then listen to a few other folks check in. If you cannot hear us on the two frequencies listed below please move either up or down a little. I never can tell who may happen to be on the air when net time rolls around.
   Please join us:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT)  7045 kHz

Until tomorrow,
    Kevin. KD5ONS
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