Good Evening,
This evening I got my telescope out of storage and dusted it off. I wanted to see if I could find Uranus near lambda Aquarius. I put a 2x Barlow in one pocket, my homemade LED light in the other, and carried my telescope to the clearcut above me. Pegasus was easily found due to its bright, square asterism. To get my mind back into viewing the night sky through a telescope I star-hopped to M31 and M32. Wow am I rusty! But I was competing with a half moon about 90 degrees away. I had to shade the side of my eyes to limit the glare. I could not get a good look at either Aquarius or Capricorn since they were nearer the moon and are drawn from dimmer stars than Pegasus. Now that I've found a good spot to view Uranus I'll wait until the moon is further along in its path. After a warm week the temperature started to drop today. At dinner time I finally gave in a built a fire. Sam is in his box next to the wood stove and looks quite content. Hopefully the autumn rains will hold off for a week so I can get a bit more accomplished outside. I moved quite a few boxes and furniture today and located two 15 or 20 amp lines. Pat must have run those two before we moved to Albuquerque. I hooked my DVM to them and flipped breakers to see if I could light them up. No luck. I may have to dig through the crawlspace to find where they are terminated. Another option is to put a battery on them and check for 12 VDC on other boxes to see where each stub runs. She left far too many mysteries for me to solve. I wish I could ask her for a few answers! I've not been on the air this week other than on the MARS net so can not predict what will happen tomorrow. I'll simply hope for the best and call CQ ECN and see who I get. lists a sunspot number of 38. This may be good. Depends on what else is going on with our ionosphere. Much like the weather rock it is simpler, and more reliable, to simply look and see what is going on in our neighborhood.

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Until tomorrow,
      Kevin. KD5ONS
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