On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Dave Agsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After reading all of the stories of problems with the KRX3, I've decided not 
> to install the one I received a couple of months ago.

hi Dave - I could add a couple things to all that was said already...
I didn't read the reflector for all of the horror stories, but I
didn't install mine right away because of work - the same reason I
checked out of reading the reflector for a while. I finally did it a
couple weeks ago, and did find it to be rather involved - but at no
point did I feel like I was out of my depth. I don't consider myself
the most mechanically able guy by any means.

I will admit that when I saw that the front panel had to be removed, I
did groan a little. I remembered that the initial assembly and install
had been kinda gnarly. But the instructions were very clear and you
only have to remove the items that are strictly necessary. A lot less
trouble than I feared!

By the time I was done I realized that, in a way, by doing all of the
necessary disassembly and removal and re-installs, it was kind of like
getting to build another radio. Which was a real and unexpected treat!

Hope this helps! jeff wk6i

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