On Tue, 8 Feb 2011, Hsuyao Tsai wrote:

> Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 12:43:47 +0800
> From: Hsuyao Tsai <hsuyao.t...@araisrobo.com>
> Reply-To: EMC developers <emc-developers@lists.sourceforge.net>
> To: EMC developers <emc-developers@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: Re: [Emc-developers] pid bug
> Hi Peter,
> Theoratically the limit_state would not cause integrator freezing.
> Use the following code block again.
> /* if output is in limit, don't let integrator wind up */
> if ( ( tmp1 * pid->limit_state ) <= 0.0 ) {
>    /* compute integral term */
>    *(pid->error_i) += tmp1 * periodfp;
> }
> We would see the integrator be frozen when error term (tmp1) is in the same
> direction of limit_state. Once the pid overshoots, the error term would in
> opposite direction of limit_state. The integrator should start to recovery
> from positive or negative.

Right. I think I figured out the problem. We are using negative P,I,D terms 
which works fine except it breaks the integral freezing logic in the PID comp. 
This is for a velocity PID loop for spindle control. I blame Matt...

> To refer to tune the pid gains from this webpage(
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PID_controller), I agree to set the igain a
> reasonable value.
> 2011/2/4 Peter C. Wallace <p...@mesanet.com>
>> I have an idea for a better patch to the pid comp than simply removing the
>> "if
>> limit_state" conditional around the integrator. I understand the benefit of
>> "freezing" the integrator when the output is saturated. This is useful for
>> good PID loop behaviour when a large step command is received: the Pterm
>> saturates the output and prevents the integral term from winding up. The
>> problem with the current code is that if the integrator "freeze" occurs
>> during
>> an integral term caused overshoot, it can never recover. My suggestion is
>> to
>> "freeze" the integrator only when limit_state is true and the error is
>> in the direction to increase the absolute integral term. This retains the
>> benefit of reducing windup during a step but will recover from overshoot.
>> Also note that simply removing the "if limit_state" conditional around the
>> integrator would require setting the integral limit default to a reasonble
>> value (like < MaxOutput/Igain)
>> Other random suggestions:
>> I think the integral limit would be easier to understand if it was
>> commensurate with the output (if you have a full scale output of 1, an
>> integral limit of .5 would limit the integral terms contribution to the
>> output to .5 full scale independent of Igain)
>> Another integral overshoot reducing scheme is to bound the error input to
>> the
>> integrator. This is really an alternate to the " freezing" approach.
>> We've had some inprovement on integral behavior by using 2 integral terms,
>> a
>> small one when the absolute integral term is increasing, and a larger one
>> when
>> the absolute intergral term is decreasing. This has the effect of speeding
>> recovery from overshoots.
>> Peter Wallace
>> Mesa Electronics
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> Best regards,
> Eric, Hsu-yao Tsai
> Arais Robot Technology
> (www.araisrobo.com)

Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

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