Andy Pugh wrote:
> 2009/10/4 Gene Heskett <>:
>> That looks better, but something is still giving the encoder.0.velocity a big
>> kick occasionally.
> I think those are on the occasions that both channels change state in
> the same sample. That does mean infinite velocity, after all. (Does
> the encoder code cap velocity at 1/base thread frequency?)
> I suspect that is due to aliasing and the short duty-cycle of the A
> channel. Occasionally you get unlucky with the sample frequency and
> catch both changing at the same time.
That represents an illegal transition, and should be rejected.  At the 
worst case,
it could trick the logic into altering the position by 4 counts.  If 
there is a burst
of noise on both A and B at the same time, it could maybe cause more counts
than that to accumulate.  Have you tried putting pull-up resistors on 
the A and B
lines?  I think you have made progress, but it looks like this is not 
yet working
well enough for machining.


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