On 1/15/2012 2:48 PM, gene heskett wrote:
> But I cut my computer teeth on an RCA 1802 without an assembler, I looked

I think I had more genuine fun with the 1802 than with any other 
microchip I've ever used. I still have one somewhere in my 
last-in-never-out stack.

As for working without an assembler, when pushed by circumstances I used 
to be able to program our DEC PDP8 and PDP11, and Data General Nova 
minicouputers using just the front switch register and memory.

What a joke. I can now write and execute a complex program on a PC in 
about the time that it took me to enter the bootstrap loader for the 
punched papertape reader (but only if you don't count the time it takes 
first to boot up the PC).

The ability to program from the switch register is right up there with 
being able to field-fix a Teletype machine in terms of life-time 
achievement (and I have a ton of other hugely important yet ultimately 
irrelevant skills I could mention).

You know you have a problem when you first have to explain what the 
"thing" was before you can explain why what you did with the "thing" was 
so cool and still you get a blank look.

On a different subject, I like Andy Pugh's use of Octave (in a later 
message). It's a great tool.


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