On 5/10/20 5:39 PM, Peter C. Wallace wrote:
On Sun, 10 May 2020, Ed wrote:

Date: Sun, 10 May 2020 16:43:34 -0500
From: Ed <ate...@mwt.net>
Reply-To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
To: emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Trouble setting up a 7I80HD

On 5/10/20 11:51 AM, Peter C. Wallace wrote:

This likely means that you do not have the proper bitfile loaded. Thats really should be the first step before any testing, make sure the the pinout of the configuration matches you daughterboard setup. A svst4_8 of svst8_4 configuration is a suggested.

Setup completes and Linuxcnc starts with either SV12 or SVST4_8 as long as 7i80HD gets edited to7i80.

Ths list you show does not match either sv12 or svst4_8

did you first flash the 7I80HD-16 with the appropriate firmware?

mesaflash --device 7i80 --write 7i80hd_16_sv12.bit mesaflash --device 7i80 --reload

Success!! At least so far. Got the bit file installed(had a space in the wrong place in the command), the encoders show movement when I turn the motors.

Now to determine if everything turns the right directions. Will fill in details later.

Thanks, Ed.

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