Carsten wrote:

        I'll keep this short, since I really don't want to prolong
this sub-thread between us.

> > ....
> > Busy or not, you've never expressed any interest or support
> > for seeing this project become a true community one.
> i have done just he opposite - i have encouraged people to
> DO THEIR OWN THING. most of the time people come and ask me or
> ....
> i now have more time. regardless of tyring to get people to just
> take things on their own shoulders and do it - tonnes of things
> just end up back in my lap. i have retracted what it is i do to
> a small subset of whats in EFL and CVS. i ignore everything else
> and let others handle that.

> but community does NOT mean everything goes through me. i am a
> single point of failure. i want people to stand up and be leaders
> on their own - stand on their own 2 feet and be counted.

        Exactly. And for that, you can't really have ONE person
who has basically ALL decision making authority.

        Some devs just recently brought up the issue of using git
instead of cvs, and while there were varying points of view on it,
the bottom line seemed to be that YOU don't want to move things
to git - not that there was a concensus on that, or that people
were not going to be responsible, or whatnot. It's that you don't
want it.

        Why would anyone even contemplate doing anything that you
might not want?

        I have the feeling that you and I have two radically different
notions of what a "community" means, and I guess we'll just have to
leave it at that.


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