On Sun, 30 Oct 2011 07:34:57 -0400 Youness Alaoui
<kakar...@kakaroto.homelinux.net> wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 4:42 AM, David Seikel <onef...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Sun, 30 Oct 2011 04:07:30 -0400 Youness Alaoui
> > <kakar...@kakaroto.homelinux.net> wrote:
> >
> > > The purpose of this thread (and probably all the previous
> > > discussions) is to get a point across, the release is needed, and
> > > most people think that there is no point in delaying it, but if
> > > you're too stubborn on that, maybe that's the reason no release
> > > was ever made, not about people not contributing (which btw,
> > > seeing how you sometimes answer aggressively, it might actually
> > > have scared away contributors).
> >
> > Most people?  You have numbers to back that up?
> >
> > I'm not even seeing that on this thread, just the people that want
> > the quick release making the most noise.
> >
> No, I don't have any hard numbers for you, but this is the impression
> I got from this thread as well as from users I've talked to. I didn't
> say "everyone", I did say "most people" and yes, I do believe that to
> be true. Since I can't prove it with any scientific number, let's
> just rephrase as "some people", I don't see how that invalidates any
> of the other stuff I said, unless you want to look for the little
> misplaced word in every sentence I wrote.

You said that it's the point of the thread.  That's not every little
misplaced word in every sentence, that's your executive summary of
your main point.  Your point being "most people think" is a whole other
kettle of fish from your point being "some people think".

The consensus does seem to be that there wont be an e17 release until
after the EFL 1.1 release anyway.  The amount of passion and time we are
spending arguing over the exact timing of that e17 release could be
better spent actually working on that e17 TODO and the EFL release.

How about we work on it, then see how much e17 TODO is left after the
EFL 1.1 release.  That will be a better time to argue you case, when it
wont distract people from the work that needs to be done.  Perhaps by
then it will be moot, and the TODO is completed.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.

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