On Fri, 02 Sep 2016 16:33:02 -0400 Jose Gonzalez <jose_...@juno.com> said:

> onefang Rejected wrote:
> > On Thu, 01 Sep 2016 14:06:19 +0000 Mike Blumenkrantz
> > <michael.blumenkra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >   
> >> how is this thread still active
> >>     
> >
> > Coz I'm finding Rasters attitude to EFL application developers is
> > deplorable, and I'm having serious thoughts about dropping my
> > involvement in EFL development.  Doesn't look like I can change his
> > mind though, all he has time for is to come up with excuses to ignore
> > me.  Even trying to point out how hypocritical he is isn't helping,
> > he's sticking with his guns here.  I'm supposed to be perfect, he can
> > get away with doing nothing.  Pfffft
> >
> >   
>     Those who've been around here long-ago-enough know that I'm not one
> to go around arbitrarily defending Carsten... But man, what exactly are you
> expecting that Carsten or anyone else in 'eland' should be doing that 
> they are not
> doing?
>     Do you want them to fix/improve issues with Evas3D that affect your 
> VR app,
> or become actively interested in it, or what? It's clear that you feel 
> frustrated and
> rejected somehow, but what exactly is it that you expect people to do? 
> If it's mainly
> to address the above then you're likely not helping your cause by 
> attacking people.
>     VR may or may not become the 'big thing' sometime in the future, but 
> the  fact is
> that right now it's of very limited use. Furthermore, those few in eland 
> that may have
> some abilities in 3D stuff are likely already busy with their stuff or 
> aren't all that into VR.
>     If you feel that you're working on cutting edge stuff that will be 
> great someday, then
> you'll just have to persevere and continue until it is great. Meantime, 
> try and do your best
> to gather more interest in it.
>     One way to do that is of course to really polish and 'sell' your app 
> even if it's in some
> very early stage, but again it may be just too early for that... So, 
> another way is simply
> to try and gather more interest in the use of 3D in e-guis.
>     Though I have no idea what the current state of Evas3D is, or if 3D 
> scenes are supported
> in edje or elem, I would guess that Evas3D ought to surely help you with 
> that simpler goal.
>     How? Well, some module for e that uses 3D - could be a 3D world 
> clock, could be a
> 3D desktop background, ... etc. That's probably more interesting to 
> e-devs than yet-another-
> simplistic-3D-game, and it's a great selling point for 3D if done well. 
> Just being able to load
> 3D scenes (like X3D or whatnot) and use them as theming elements for 
> elem apps would be
> a good start.
>     In short, if people in eland are currently not that interested in 
> your external VR app but you
> feel they ought to be, then maybe making them become more interested in 
> the uses of 3D
> for e's guis, as mentioned above, will slowly make them notice it (and 
> you) more and more.
> And if no one is currently doing that (3D in e's guis), then it's even 
> better if you take that lead.

thank's jose. maybe he'll listen to you.

> >> On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 10:25 PM Carsten Haitzler
> >> <ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>     
> >>> On Thu, 1 Sep 2016 11:32:50 +1000 onefang Rejected
> >>> <onef...@gmail.com> said:
> >>>
> >>>       
> >>>> On Thu, 1 Sep 2016 07:42:13 +0900 Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman)
> >>>> <ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>         
> >>>>> On Wed, 31 Aug 2016 13:18:01 +1000 David Seikel
> >>>>> <onef...@gmail.com> said:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>           
> >>>>>> On Wed, 31 Aug 2016 12:10:10 +0900 Carsten Haitzler (The
> >>>>>> Rasterman) <ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>             
> >>>>>>> On Wed, 31 Aug 2016 10:22:46 +1000 David Seikel
> >>>>>>> <onef...@gmail.com> said:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>               
> >>>>>>>> On Wed, 31 Aug 2016 09:13:30 +0900 Carsten Haitzler (The
> >>>>>>>> Rasterman) <ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>                 
> >>>>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Aug 2016 09:13:46 -0700 Bertrand Jacquin
> >>>>>>>>> <bertr...@jacquin.bzh> said:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>                   
> >>>>>>>>>> beber pushed a commit to branch master.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>                     
> >>> http://git.enlightenment.org/website/planet.git/commit/?id=6f0e0476ac73b19c57dcca2d4e589730585dddcb
> >>>       
> >>>>>>>>>> commit 6f0e0476ac73b19c57dcca2d4e589730585dddcb
> >>>>>>>>>> Author: Bertrand Jacquin <bertr...@jacquin.bzh>
> >>>>>>>>>> Date:   Sun Aug 28 17:11:48 2016 +0100
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>     MINOR: config: Remove raster dead blog
> >>>>>>>>>>                     
> >>>>>>>>> it's not actually dead. it just has no content atm. i
> >>>>>>>>> fixed the url to be right it just is a 0 byte return
> >>>>>>>>> atm as i installed a cms but still have work to do on
> >>>>>>>>> the site and haven't filled it with content yet :)
> >>>>>>>>>                   
> >>>>>>>> But but butt, it's at least a few days old already, it
> >>>>>>>> should be bursting at the seams, full of great content,
> >>>>>>>> and excessive bling by now!  :-P
> >>>>>>>>                 
> >>>>>>> i wish it were... have so many things to do. :)
> >>>>>>>               
> >>>>>> So maybe now you might understand why my SledjHamr site isn't
> >>>>>> as pretty and full of great content as YOU want?  Building an
> >>>>>> entire world takes time, they tend to be full of lots and
> >>>>>> lots and lots of fiddly little details.  :-P
> >>>>>>             
> >>>>> i'm not telling people to read my site though... :)
> >>>>> difference. :) it's not meant to be an informational resource
> >>>>> i'm saying people should read... at this point. it's a work in
> >>>>> progress i have to get to.
> >>>>>           
> >>>> Both are works in progress, the only differences are mine will
> >>>> take years to get anywhere useful, and yours has no content.  I
> >>>> only told you to read mine coz you where bitching about my shit,
> >>>> and my site at least tries to describe my shit.  :-P
> >>>>         
> >>> tries sure. not very effectively. :)
> >>>
> >>>       
> >>>> I'm not actually advertising my site yet, otherwise the URL would
> >>>> be in my email .sig.  Search engines have found it though, zero
> >>>> SEO on my part, but no problems if people stumble on it.  At
> >>>> least someone, or something, is not ignoring me.  lol
> >>>>         
> >>> but people who are busy aren't going to spend the time unless you
> >>> smooth the
> >>> path with nice easy to follow docs of how to download, get started
> >>> and get working with a fairly minimal amount of effort.
> >>>       
> >
> > Most of my build instructions are to get EFL up and running, since
> > it's on EFL application that needs EFL running first.  Once that is
> > done, the SledjHamr build instructions are trivial, and doesn't take
> > long.  It passes my "hold your breath" test.  B-)
> >
> > Can't blame me for EFL being hard to build.  I can blame you, Raster,
> > for not bothering to read those instructions, coz you are oh so busy,
> > and apparently I'm not.  Apparently you want me to drop everything I'm
> > doing, and whip up some random 3D game as some sort of payment to get
> > any help around here.  :-P
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------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    ras...@rasterman.com

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