At this point in time. I have no interest of gaining access to repositories. I will continue any and all EFL application
development outside.

I will consider my work going forward on ecrire to be a fork. I may
rename it and other things. I really haven't the time for the
mistreatment or the back and forth.

If this is how new contributors are treated. It really explains why so
few things are in EFL. I am questioning how crazy I am to stay and not
run from this community. Though I will not hold all responsible for the
actions of the main person. I do not need to subject myself to such.

Sadly I can see that leadership has already trickled down into some. It
is really bad all around. That people who work for Samsung conduct
themselves that way in public....

On Mon, 15 May 2017 12:44:34 -0400
"William L. Thomson Jr." <> wrote:

> On Mon, 15 May 2017 16:28:30 +0000
> Andrew Williams <> wrote:
> > Hi William,
> > 
> > I'm glad that is now resolved, thanks for figuring it out.  
> Sure, I was already working on it when all the discussion came up.
> Which is why I commented on others committing. Does not make sense for
> more than one to work on same problem without discussion or
> coordination.
> > Back to the main topic of the thread - is your intention to get this
> > merged back up to master on I think that will affect the
> > coding style etc expectations and so forth, so I was interested in
> > the overall plan :)  
> Merging back into the old repo on was the intention. I
> believe I am following most if not all coding styles etc. Though maybe
> some places that could use some correction. The code is at least as
> good as what is in that old repo.
> How things proceed is up to others. I am continuing on with my
> development effort. It is pretty moot to me. For now could look to
> pull my changes into that repo and do that automated daily, etc.
> Beyond that not sure. Still concerned with working in public repos if
> people will just commit without any coordination or discussion with
> others. Otherwise I have no issue with my effort being pulled back
> into main repo. As for any direct commit access, that is rather moot
> for me.
> That is more if you all want the development to be official or third
> party effort to develop ecrire.  It is up to you all to decide. My
> only thoughts are, if my work is being merged back into ecrire
> repo and I do not have direct commit access. I would not
> want others working in that repo. I will not be pulling just pushing
> to for any syncing. Just something to keep in mind.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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