More details.
         Photon and Matter =  Life and Death.
Why is connection between Photon and Matter is equal to connection
between  Life and Death ?
My explanation.
QED try to understand the interaction between photon and matter.
In 1985   Richard  Feynman wrote the result of QED's searching :
‘ The idea of book -  the interaction between light
( electromagnetic fields ) and matter is strange.
. . . . . . . . . .  .
 The theory of quantum electrodynamics
describes Nature as absurd from the point of view
of common sense. And it agrees fully with experiment.
So I hope you accept Nature as She is — absurd. ‘
/ book:
QED:  The Strange Theory of Light and Matter  page 10. /
Can Nature be absurd ?
Is  our intellect or Nature absurd ?
Nature is in a harmony but our acceptation and meaning of  It is
Light, quantum of light (photon) is a particle which takes very
 part  in our life.
      The interaction of photon with matter is possible to observe
 in crystals and in vital organisms.
 (every living being needs light / photon.)
 Now everyone think that photon is an undeveloped particle and
 it seems nonsense to say that photon can evolve,
 taking interaction from simple to complex system and
be bearer of  information / consciousness.

But on the one hand, nobody knows what photon is.
On the other hand , photon can move with different speeds:
 constant speed c=1 , and faster c>1, and in my opinion
 can have zero speed c=0.
( the common opinion that photon never can stop is not a law,
 it is a supposition)
And if  photon can use two different  inner  impulses  (spin)
   h ( photon behaves like corpuscular )
and  h*=h/2pi ( photon behaves like wave )
 for its independent  movement
( it means photon itself decided  how to act,
what kind of  movement to do)   then I say:
to take decision how to act can only a thinking particle.
And as in the ancient Veda is written t the consciousness
 can develop  from a vague wish to a clear thought.
The simplest atom hydrogen  consists on proton and electron.
Electron tied with atom by the  energy: E=-me^4/2h*^2= -13,6eV.
But if someone parameter changes,  then electron jumps out from
 atom as a quantum of light with energy E=h*f  ( it is said:  electron
 emits quantum of light, but where this quantum of light is hidden
 in the  electron, in which pocket ?)
So, it is possible to say that atom with photon/ electron is
 different  from atom without photon/ electron.
The atom with photon/ electron is a living system.
 The atom without photon/ electron  is a  dead  system.
The same is about complex  and  biological atoms.
In the ancient Veda also is written that the Universe is consist on
 different particles:  purusha ( a spiritual or conscious element )
 prakrti  ( a mechanical-matter particle)
The interaction between mind /consciousness elements and
matter particles created everything.
There is nothing new under the Sun:
every new idea has some sort of precedent or echo from the past.
All the best
Israel Socratus
I want to thank   awori achoka and  Philip Benjamin :
 reading their comments helped me to come to this conclusion.

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