Well, assuming you're using one of the distros supported by
Promise and assuming you're using the latest firmware with the
card then things tend to work better. I spent the better part of
a weekend fighting a card with older firmware and never thought
to check that as the source of my troubles. Apparently after it
was updated it installed without a hitch. Hopefully as linux
matures further the development cycle will become shorter and/or
more companies will actually have better (ie, any distro)
drivers that'll work with any kernel, binary or not. 

--- Tim Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       We originally tried a promise ATA raid controller that
> support hot
> swap, but the card was so problematic we took it back and got
> an
> adaptec.  No problems since.  Some of these ATA raid
> manufacturers are
> new to these cards, keep your sales slip and test what you get
> for a few
> days before putting it into production.
> TImH
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