I would look at the JLD404 from LightObject
It can monitor battery voltage, amps or count Amp-Hours and has two
relays in it which can trigger on high or low values of any of them. Use
it to turn off the contactor either after a certain # of Ah or when
battery voltage drops below a certain point.


On 08/22/2014 02:14 PM, Michael Ross via EV wrote:
> So I have new AGMs in hand from atbatt  (the one linked in my May 1 post).
>  Should I just charge them to to 27V together?  Or are there other
> considerations?
> MI wife tends to mow until the thing is whisper quiet and  the voltage is
> below 24V.  I have the impression the PbSO4 cells should be no less thatn
> 50% SOC to ensure good liife.    How can I limit SOD?  Should I limit it?
> Thanks!
> mike
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