On 10.07.2012 19:49 Alberto G. Corona said the following:
There is something deeply religious in many scientifics in his quest
to expand their Truth. And there is also something very philosophical
indeed. But they ignore both. They ignore their beliefs and their
positivistic metaphisics, born in the disputes between nominalists
and realists during the middle ages. And there is no stronger faith
than the faith that see himself as aboslute truth about everithing,
that ignores its shorcomings and its history, and that show contempt
or even denial of entire parts of the reality.

This furious  scientist proselitism us understandable and it is even
healthy, because the idea of a objective scientist with no emotions
is hypocrite.

That shows once again that faith is something a society can not live
without,. because faith in ultimate, unexplained truths is the
prerequisite for any coordinated social action. And the truths upon
which a society build itself is its most valuable treasure.

This seems of topic, but I suggest something to discuss here: shared
human conscience. We live in a shared virtual conscience. It is
shared because we share the context and it is virtual because it
depends in the context of shared beliefs: beliefs in the myths and
histories that created our country, beliefs in some moral laws,
beliefs in the prestige of some special humans: priests, scientifics,
political figures of the past and the present.   We can not verify
our beliefs because we have no time and no knowledge to do so. So we
resort to faith. faith in authority: being scientific, political or
anything. common faith and legitimated authority is necessary to live
with others and thus whenever a society is build, it needs it.

And the assault of the foundational social truths and the core
beliefs of the people is central for any battle for power

Do the  hawking Theory of everything says something about this? I´m
soure, because it is about everyhing, Isn´t?

Well, it depends. They say

“It is hard to imagine how free will can operate if our behavior is determined by physical law, so it seems that we are no more than biological machines and that free will is just an illusion.”

Hence according to the authors, the M-theory governs absolutely everything including social sciences. But I am afraid that this is not what you would expect.


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