The difference between "consciousness as an emergence from complexity" and
"consciousness is a functionality necessary for, and evolved with xxxx by
natural selection" is that the latter is a falsable  theory  (if we  find
an observable effect of consciousness) while the former is not even a

It´s like if  someone say that the accumulation of meat produce
consciousness and he claim that because predation produce consciousness and
predation need muscle meat, then accumulation of meat produce

2012/10/16 Stephen P. King <>

>  Hi Alberto,
>     OK, I am officially confused by your statements. You previously wrote:
> "Magic emergence from magic enough complexity has been advocated for almost
> anything." and now you suggest that consciousness is contingent on a level
> of evolution, ala: "... in this stage of evolution a form of consciousness
> becomes a necessity".
>     How is this not an argument for emergence from complexity? What is
> evolution other than a mechanism in Nature to generate increasing stable
> complex structures in the physical universe? Either consciousness is an
> irreducible primitive or it is not?
>     I agree that complexity *is* involved when we consider issues such as
> "reportablity" of consciousness, but the property of "having a subjective
> experience of being in the world" itself can be strongly argued to flow at
> the most basic level that allows differences.
> On 10/16/2012 10:04 AM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:
> I  argued previously about that the most primitive conciousness emerged
> from predation/prey dynamics and the neural machinery necessary for them.
> Because in this stage of evolution a form of consciousness becomes a
> necessity, not a gift given by the Gods of computation Turing and Godel,
> among others ;)
> 2012/10/16 Stephen P. King <>
>>  On 10/16/2012 9:36 AM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:
>> Magic emergence from magic enough complexity has been advocated for
>> almost anything. Most of the time as an excuse for  not saying "I don´t
>> know", that is the prerequisite for thinking deeper about the problem. I
>> prefer to say I don´t know.
> --
> Onward!
> Stephen
>  --
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